First off : DIY masks.
A DIY mask is a mask you make at home by yourself, usually using natural ingredients. They are really easy to make and they do just fine, here I'll show you 2 of my favorites.
Honey & yogurt mask:
- 2 table spoons of yogurt
- 1 table spoon of honey
- 1/2 a lemon
Avocado facial mask:
- Half ripe avocado
- 1 tbsp of honey
- 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar
Avocado's are delicious and make great guacamole, but its also used in beauty products for face,hair and skin. It gives your skin just the glow it needs.
Store bought Facial masks:
I really like DIY facial masks, it gives me an excuse to mix things up and try out different things, but what about those days where we just gotta go and we don't have a lot of time?
Well there's just the things for it.
- Collagen masks :
Ever heard of these? Collagen is a natural protein found in the body that works in partnership with elastin, to give your skin elasticity. A collagen mask replenishes the collagen lost in your skin, improving the elasticity to reduce lines and wrinkles, sealed in little packets, and great for when your on the go or need to hydrate your skin.
2. Peeling off mask.
They are great for your skin! They always keep it feeling refreshed and smooth, and keeps it clear.Beware!Use about once a week. Too much usage can strip your face off the natural oils it needs to function. Looking for a great peeling mask? Go for the ones with papaya extract. Papaya is great for refreshing your skin, giving it that natural glow. Or try this Cucumber one, its super cheap and works like a charm!
Link: Cucumber peel off mask
3. Ordinary Mask :
Your normal facial masks can work just as good too! I try to look for natural ingredients, so I actually know what my skin is up for, and sometimes skin can be sensitive to certain ingredients so I recommend a mud mask they are all natural and, have been used since ancient times ( most common among greeks and Romans) How do you think they kept their skin so healthy looking and young?
Here I have just the thing!Try this dead sea mud mask, it might be a little pricey but its totally worth it!Not convinced? Check out the reviews on Amazon it's phenomenal.
Link: Dead sea mud mask
Much Love,
S.O .
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